Some Other Songs
"Spanking Jack"
Spanking Jack was so comely, so pleasant, so jolly
Tho' winds blew great guns still he'd whistle and sing
Jack lov'd his friend, and was true to his Molly,
And if honor gives greatness, was great as a king:
One night, as we droe with two reefers in our mainsail
And the scud came on low'ring upon a lee shore
Jack went aloft for to hand the top ga'ant sail,
A spray wash'd him off, and we ne'er saw him more
But grieving's a folly,
Come let us be jolly;
If we've troubles at sea, boys, we've pleasures ashore
Bonny Ben was to each jolly messmate a brother,
He was manly and honest, good natur'd and free;
If ever one tar was more true than another
To his friend and his duty, that sailor was he:
One day with the davit, to heave the cadge anchor
Ben went in a boat on a bold craggy shore,
He overboard tipt, when a shark and a spanker
Soon nipt him in two, and we ne'er saw him more
But grieving's a folly,
Come, let us be jolly;
If we've troubles at sea boys, we've pleasures ashore.
Whiffing Tom, still full of mischief of fun in the middle,
thro' life in all weathers at random would job
He'd dance and he'd sing, and he'd play on the fiddle
And swig, with an air, his allowance of grog:
Long side of a Don, in the Terrible frigate
As yard arm and yard arm we lay off the shore
In and out Whiffing Tom did so caper and jib it
That his head was shot off and we ne'er saw him more
But grieving's a folly
Come let us be jolly
If we've troubles at sea boys, we've pleasures ashore
But what of it all lads: Shall we be downhearted
Because that mayhap we now take our last sup?
Life's cable must one day or other be parted;
And death, in fast mooring, will bring us all up
Yet 'tis always the way on't--one scarce finds a brother
Fond as pitch, honest, hearty, and true to the core
But by battle or storm, or some fell thing or other,
He's popp'd off the hooks, and we ne'er see him more
But grieving's a folly,
Come let us be jolly
If we've troubles at sea boys, we've pleasures ashore1
1See "Spanking Jack" in "Spanking Jack and other Songs," a songbook bound with other songbooks under the title of "Songs," Library Company of Philadelphia, 1805.
“Thimble’s Wife,”
Thimble’s scolding wife lay dead,
‘Heigho!”says Thimble,
‘My dearest duck’s defunct in bed;
Death has cabbaged her—oh, she’s fled!
With her roley poley,
Gammon and spinnage,
Heigho!’ says Thimble,
Thimble buried his wife that nigh;
‘Heigho!’ says Thimble,
“I grieve to sew up my heart’s delight,
With her diamond ring on her finger tight;’
And her roley, poley, &c
To saw off her finger and steal the ring,
Soon came the Sexton;
She sat up an end, and she gave a fling,
Crying ‘Damme, you dog, you steal no such thing!’
With your roley poley, &c
And off ran the sexton.
She stalk’d to her home, and she made a din,
‘Heigho!’ cried Thimble,
Then popp’d out his head, and said, with a grin,
‘You are dead, dearest duck, and I can’t let you in’
With your roley poley, &c
‘O heigh!’ cried Thimble.
“The Glasses Sparkle on the Board,”
The glasses sparkle on the board,
The wine is ruby bright,
The reign of pleasure is restor’d,
Of ease and gay delight.
The day is gone, the night’s our own,
Then let us feast the soul;
If any pain or care remain,
Why drown it in the bowl.
If any pain or care remain,
Why drown it in the bowl.
This world they say ‘s a world of woe,
But that I do deny;
Can sorrow from the goblet flow,
Or pain from beauty’s eye?
The wise are fools, with all their rules,
When they would joy control;
If life’s a pain, I say again,
Let’s drown it in the bowl.
If life’s a pain, &c.
That time flies fast, the poet sings,
Then surely it is wise,
In rosy wine to dip his wings,
And seize him as he flies:
This night is ours, then strew with flow’rs
The moments as they roll;
If any pain, or care remain,
Why drown it in a bowl.
If any pain, or care remain,
Why drown it in a bowl.
When Gen’rous Wine.
When gen’rous wine expands the soul,
And pleasure hovers roubnd the bowl,
Avaunt, avaunt, ye cares of fancy’s crew,
And give the guilty wretch his due:
Avaunt ye cares, &c.
But let the juice of sparkling wine,
My grosser sense to love refine;
As Jove his nectar drinks above,
I’ll quaff whole goblets full of love,
As Jove his nectar, &c
Then why should I at life repine,
Bring me Venus, bring me wine;
Fill the ever flowing bowl,
In circles gay and pleasures roll,
Fill the ever flowing, &c.
Ever open, ever free,
Hail thou friend of jollity;
My brows with Bacchus’ chaplets crown’d,
I live to love, my cares are drown’d.’
My brows with Bacchus, &c.
“Songster’s Museum”—NY, 1824
Friend and Pitcher,
The wealthy fool with gold in store,
Will still desire to grow richer
Give me but health, I ask no more
My charming girl, my friend and pitcher.
My friend so rare, my girl so fair,
With such, what mortal can be richer,
Give me but these, a fig for care,
With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher
From morning sun I’d never grieve,
To toil a hedger or a ditcher,
If that, when I came home at eve,
I might enjoy my friend and pitcher
My friend so rare, &c.
Though fortune ever shun my door,
I know not what can thus bewitch her;
With all my heart can I be poor,
With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher,
My friend so rare &c
Oh! Cruel were my parents as tore mylove from me,
And cruel was the press-gang who took him off to sea,
And cruel was the little boat as rowed him from the strand,
And cruel was the great big ship as sailed him from the land.
Singing too rol loo rol loo rol, too rol loo rol loo
Oh! Cruel was the water as bore her love from Mary,
And cruel was the fair wind as wouldn’t blow contrary,
And cruel was the captain boatswain, and the men,
As didn’t care a fardin, if we never met again.
Singing too rol, &c
Oh!cruel was the splinter as broke my deary’s leg,
Now he’s oblig’d to fiddle for’t, and I’m oblig’d to beg,
A vagabonding vagrant, and a rantipoling wife,
We fiddle, limp, and scrape it, through the ups anddowns of life.
Singing too rol, &c
Mostly agreeing with what others have written here. There's a fierceness to these songs, a willingness to live despite dying. Contrast to America, where people are willing to die despite living- we have high suicide rates and more depression than you could shake a goth at.
I also rather like "But grieving's a folly/come, let us be jolly", although the line also tells you why so many people drank back then.
I'd say it was to forget.
I really like these poems, which is odd considering the subject of most is death. Perhaps it is the fact that they are not dreary woe is me I’m going to die, these pieces focus more on the celebration of life while your living it. I really liked the message of the first poem, talking about the sailors continually losing friends at sea. They give tribute to the good character of each man, yet refuse to be melancholy over their deaths. The lyrics are so robust I can practically hear drunken sailors slurring them in some dark little bar. It illuminates the point that life is for the living and no matter how good a person you are, when you die you’re dead and people shouldn’t abandon their existence to focus on those who no longer have one. I really think that this view of death is far healthier than those held by the majority of people today, for the most part death in our culture is not seen as a time to honor the dead but revel in the fact that were still here and maybe it should be.
I find it interesting that in almost each of these songs, there is mention of alcohol. I think there was some chance that John was an alcoholic, as well as being suicidal. In “Spanking Jack,” while describing Tom, he says, “And swig, with an air, his allowance of grog,” then he goes on to say that when Tom, or anyone else passes on, they should not mourn, for death brings them all “up”. In his song, “Thimble’s Wife” he discusses the death of a wife, but there is no mention of drink. In, “The Glasses Sparkle on Board” there is obviously lots of discussion of drinks. Wine sparkling and bringing pleaure and happiness is one of the main themes. “When Gen’rous Wine” seems similar.
My favorite one was “Friend and Pitcher.” By pitcher, I assume he means some sort of drink. That is one of the main things in his life. One of the things he thinks he needs. He says that he will never grieve as long as he can come home to his pitcher.
“Spanking Jack” relates specifically to questions about death that I have always pondered. When someone dies I generally do not cry all that much. Does that make me a bad person? What you believe happens after death is your own opinion. That is not the issue at hand here. The issue is what you are going to do with your life knowing that you will die. I don’t see the need to cry about them or worry when it will happen to you. The magic that was the person no longer dwells in the dead thing that remains. Why waste life thinking about death? For the deceased- death was probably a second that happened and they were gone. I have always wondered if the departed would comfort in knowing you were hysterical about their death. Imagine if you grieved like that while they were still alive. It would be a very awkward situation especially if their death was not rapidly impending. In essence you would be upset because you know they will die someday. Rather than crying why not think of all the good times that you shared? The person who died would probably tell you to stop weeping and to enjoy your life. They would know just how quickly it passes by. I draw a lot of inspiration from the Post Secret blog. One of my favorite entries is “Psst, Here’s a secret…Your last mortal thought will be, “why did I take so many days- just like today- for granted?”
Maybe it’s just because I was reading it on a dark and rainy day, but I really liked the poem the “The Glasses Sparkle on the Board.” I am assuming that the lines about drowning pains and cares in a bowl is referring to drinking since reference is made to wine, goblets, etc. I don’t necessarily agree with that theory, but some of the other things that the poet says make a lot of sense. “This world they say ‘s a world of woe,
But that I do deny;” . Sadly enough that’s how a lot of people view life and the world, as a sad place/thing. Yet, if people wouldn’t focus so much on the negatives, it wouldn’t be that bad. I think that’s the point that the poet is trying to make, don’t keep looking at things as bad rather look at things in a positive light. This point is reinforced with the mentioning of rules controlling joy. A lot of times people set so many rules/guidelines for themselves that they can never fully enjoy life. Like it says, “That time flies fast,” so we should enjoy life, not sit back and complain about it and feel miserable.
I agree with bob barker that these songs are extremely reminiscent of Rabelais’ theory on
life: enjoy it while you’re here and stop worrying about tomorrow. Despite the fact
that almost all of these songs have to do with topics such as death or separation (which
are typically seen as negative, depressing subjects in our culture today), the overall
tone of the songs were positive and humorous. Even though culture today views these topics as melancholic, I think that there are some modern writers/philosophers/artists that approach death and other issues exactly like the writers of these songs do. Therefore, I disagree with what aimervoyage said about how the songs “demonstrate a MAJOR cultural difference between the writers of yore and today.” The ‘difference’ (so to speak), depends on what type of writing the critic is examining. There are some humorous bluegrass and country songs about death, but there are also some very deep and depressing rock songs pertaining to death. So it really just hinges on which modern songs an individual chooses to compare the songs ‘of yore’ to. I also think aimervoyage cannot be certain that “people back then were much more accustomed to death” and therefore less scared of it. Personally, I think that if I was constantly surrounded by death and my chances of dieing were greater, my fear of dieing would also be greater. Just because there are multiple songs here that satirize death openly does not mean that the public at large approached dieing the same way.
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